Travelers’ Rest State Park

Travelers’ Rest Connections, Travelers’ Rest State Park and their stakeholders worked with Field to Frame to create an Interpretive Framework to reimagine their interpretive center. The four-month process included training for interpretive staff in interpretive planning steps to ensureto implement change immediately while they phased they were able  in larger elements of the project.

Project Goals

  • Enhance the quality of interpretive opportunities at Travelers’ Rest State Park, exploring Indigenous connections, the historical significance of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, and the natural environment.
  • Inspire visitors to seek further knowledge and enhance their experience through programs, events, or other interpretive opportunities.
  • TRSP interpretive opportunities will foster partnerships and increase support for Travelers’ Rest Connection and Travelers’ Rest State Park mission and work.
  • The increased utilization of interpretive management at Travelers’ Rest State Park will support the visitor’s experience while ensuring the proper management of TRSP’s resources.